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Dal'Nay, Osten

a former member of the Thaereian Military, this man left Thaere to serve as a Commander in the Cularin Militia, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Commander Dal'Nay was placed in charge of readying the Cularin Militia to confront the Thaereian Military, which had moved into the Cularin System after the planet Cularin suddenly disappeared. Commander Dal'Nay was very outspoken in his dislike and disapproval of the Thaereian Military's presence in the Cularin System, and his attitudes toward Thaere only deepened as time dragged on. Thus, it was surprising when Dal'Nay joined forces with Broof Yurdel and allowed the Militia to simply fade into the background. This was not due to a lack of funding, but was actually a bold move on the part of the two Commanders to eventually launch a counter-assault on the Thaereians. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, they launched their assault - known as Operation False Horizon - using surprise to take control of several Thaereian bases throughout the Cularin System. They eventually defeated the Thaereians and freed Cularin, only to find themselves in the midst of the galactic upheaval that accompanied the Clone Wars. Rather than rest on his laurels, Dal'Nay took it upon himself to train the new recruits of the Cularin military, in case they were to be called up to duty by the Old Republic.
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