this red-haired man served the Empire as a Naval officer, holding the rank of Admiral during the height of the New Order and commanding the Star Destroyer Mathayus. When Emperor Palpatine assigned Coy and the Mathayus to Darth Vader during his mission to Dargulli, Coy questioned the use of a Star Destroyer to hunt down a single criminal. Vader, already angry at having to undertake the mission to hunt down the supposed Jedi on Dargulli, nearly strangled Coy with the Force. When a distress signal came from an Alliance base near Yorn Skot, Vader allowed Admiral Coy to take his ship and intercept the rebels. Unfortunately for Coy, the Alliance had laid a trap for the Imperials. The ship which was intercepted by the Mathayus was a decoy, laden with explosives that were set to go off should the ship's hull be breached. Coy dispatched First Officer Atali to take control of any beings inside the Alliance ship, but he inadvertently set off the explosives. Atali and his team were killed, and the Mathayus was badly damaged. Unknown to the crew, the entire sidetrip had been arranged by Captain Dezsetes, as part of Grand Moff Trachta's plans to take over the galaxy. Vader, however, managed to survive the explosion. When Coy could not stand up to Vader's demands, he was shot and killed by Dezsetes in order to eliminate any possible linkage back to Trachta.