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this green-skinned alien was the secret consort of Madam Rhoden, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He claimed to be her personal trainer, but Buck was actually an eco-terrorist from the Green Forge faction, who had turned to a life of crime to fund his endeavors. He searched out the disgruntled wives of beings who were destroying natural environments, then preyed upon their sympathies to insinuate himself into their lives. He then helped them kill off their spouses, ostensibly to eliminate an environmental threat, then made off with their fortunes. Buck's seduction of Madam Rhoden was discovered by her husband, Clode Rhoden, who also knew of Buck's true nature. When Madam Rhoden and Buck were targetted for execution by Clode Rhoden, who planned to use Buck's core bomb to kill them both, Saul Moegantz offered to join forces with them to strike back at Clode. Madam Rhoden reluctantly agreed, seeing that a partnership with Moegantz was the lesser of several evils, including her own death. They planned to sue Clode for divorce, on the grounds that he tried to have her killed, then take all of Clode's wealth and split it between them.
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