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Clode Rhoden

this immense, green-skinned humanoid was the wealthy tibanna gas magnate who owned the planet Yorn Skot during the years prior to the Battle of Naboo. He made a fortune mining tibanna gas from Yorn Skot's atmosphere, but made quite a few enemies along the way to success. Among them was his own wife, who planned to murder him in order to claim his inheritance. Clode Rhoden ruled the planet Yorn Skot on his own terms, refusing to join any local government, let alone the Old Republic. This earned him the ire of the eco-terrorist group known as the Green Forge, who infiltrated Rhoden's operations by having Buck serve as Madam Rhoden's personal trainer. His wealth also made him a target of pressure pirates who worked the gas giants of the galaxy. Despite his seeming short-sightedness, Clode Rhoden was well aware of his wife's affair with Buck, and planned to use their own core bomb to destroy their escape pod, after the Aurorient Express was sabotaged. He then planned to alter the escape pod's trajectory to destroy his own Yorn Skot Mining Station, in order to blame its destruction on the Green Forge and claim the insurance payments. He also revealed to Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi that he was aware of the actions of the pressure pirates, and had managed to reprogram them for his own usage.
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