Cavern Beast
this unusual creature evolved on Coruscant, after the Yuuzhan Vong began to reform the planet into a simulation of their long-lost homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. It grew in the deepest parts of the changing cityscape, where there was the largest concentration of non-Yuuzhan Vong beings still living on the planet. In many respects, the cavern beast was a huge form of worm or snake that used a telepathic lure to draw beings into its huge mouth. The mouth was virtually indistinguishable from a lichen-covered orifice, and the projected image of a being in trouble was implanted into the mind of any being who walked near the beast's lair. Once a being was far enough inside the cavern beast, it was herded by parastaltic contractions into specialized stomachs for holding. The beings who were herded into the cavern beast's many stomachs were not immediately digested, but allowed to live and congregate. The cavern beast was able to provide food for its captives by excreting a fatty substance into stalactite-like formations, which were edible and nutritious. In return, the cavern beast obtained nutrients and elements from the wastes of its captives. The collective body heat of its captives even helped the cavern beast maintain its internal temperature. When increased food intake was needed, the cavern beast used its strange form of parastalsis to herd a being into a digestive chamber, where it was quickly assimmilated into the cavern beast's system.