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Ch'Gang Hool

this Yuuzhan Vong Master Shaper was in charge of the regrowth of several dhuryams, which would compete to serve as the World Brain used to seed Coruscant. The Yuuzhan Vong hoped to complete reform Coruscant into a new version of their long-lost homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar, and it was Ch'Gang Hool's responsibility to maintain and care for the priceless dhuryams. Ch'Gang Hool was distinguished from other Shapers by the strange group of tentacles which were grafted to the corner of his mouth. These tentacles writhed and twitched to their own rhythm, but sometimes seemed to move in reaction to Hool's mood. He objected to the fact that Nom Anor and Vergere used his seedship, the Coruscant itself, as their training group for Jacen Solo, but was forced to go along with their plans. His fears were nearly realized when Jacen's actions during the tizo'pil Yun'tchilat artificially eliminated all but a single dhuryam. However, the World Brain was installed on Coruscant, and the Vongforming of the planet continued. Within months, Coruscant resembled Yuuzhan'tar. Ch'Gang Hool had another scare when he learned that Solo had ended up on Coruscant, instead of being killed aboard the seedship. Solo, who had befriended the dhuryam World Brain, was allowed private access to the Well in order to sacrifice Ganner Rhysode. Jacen, however, planned to use his mental link to the dhuryam to ask it a favor. While there was no outward damage to Ch'Gang Hool's World Brain, it had agreed to work as a spy for Jacen and the New Republic. Unfortunately for Ch'Gang Hool, the outward manifestation of his relationship costs him his life. Many Yuuzhan Vong on the Great Council saw Coruscant's constant rejection of worldshaping - the fungal infection that caused intense itching, the imprinting of villips on indigenous rodents, blorash jelly that attacked its creators - as a failure to fully tame Coruscant. Because of this failure, Ch'Gang Hool was executed on the orders of Supreme Overlord Shimrra.
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