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Fain, Sedret

this man served as the head of the Bureau of Science and Travel, based on the planet Duro, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. He secretly embezzled BST funds in an effort to create his own mercenary force, hoping to capture Alliance operatives on Duro and earn himself a promotion to Imperial Advisor, or a posting on Coruscant. He strived to ensure that his operation was insular enough that he received all the credit, to help bolster his position in any such capture. His first chance came during the rescue attempt on Serrol Gathip, who had been trapped by Fain's thugs. A team of Alliance agents arrived to rescue Gathip, and Fain sent his thugs to capture them. However, the thugs were no match for the trained Alliance soldiers, and they were quickyl defeated. Fain himself, seeing his plans disintegrate, fled Duro and went into hiding.
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