Worner, Cala
this woman worked as an Alliance recruiter, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. To most casual observers, Cala was a representative of the Outer Rim Trade Consortium, a position which allowed her to travel without attracting much attention. There were rumors that she had ties to The Flail, but nothing was ever proven. She had returned to Kwevron to convince the local farmers to supply foodstuffs to the Alliance, when she was entangled with Imperial Lieutenant Falto Dragen. Idu Taanfaar, an Ithorian farmer who had been serving as Kwevron's primary Alliance cell contact, was killed by Dragen while trying to transport two Alliance operatives to the local spaceport. Cala found herself trapped on the planet, and only the sudden appearance of a team of Alliance operatives allowed her to escape.