Ebon Hawk
this ancient, disk-shaped freighter was used as a base of operations for a team of soliders who served the Old Republic some fifty years after the Great Sith War. During the search for the Star Forge, the Ebon Hawk was piloted by Carth Onasi. Originally built on the planet Taris, the 24-meter-long Ebon Hawk was once a shuttle owned by Davik Kang. It was fast enough to outrun the Sith and Republic patrols that swarmed the galactic rim, and Kang once claimed that it was the best thing he had ever stolen. Most of the ship's original systems were replaced with state-of-the-art replacements, including a stolen navigational computer and an oversized, exceptionally powerful hyperdrive. It was armed with a pair of turbolasers, as well as a number of "hidden surprises" installed by Kang. When Kang was killed just before Taris was destroyed, the ship was acquired by Carth Onasi and Revan, who had turned away from the Dark Side of the Force to aid the Republic in hunting down the Sith. The Ebon Hawk became the focal point of the search for the Star Map and the Star Forge, although it was lost in deep space for many years before it turned up again near Peragus II. The ship was located almost simultaneously by Jedi Master Kreia and a group of Sith devotees who were trying to reawaken Darth Sion. The Sith brought the ship aboard the Harbinger and traveled to Peragus II, where The Exile was drugged and held for interrogation. It was believed that the ship's droids, especially T3-M4, were largely responsible for restoring it to active duty after The Exile was abandoned by the Jedi order.