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Ancum, Ryley

this youth, a native of the planet Tuttin IV, was a member of the local Alliance cell during the years following the Battle of Yavin. Ry played the bass vye in the band called Far Cry, and used the bass line from his band's music to secretly transmit messages to Keth Beamis about Imperial shipping plans. Ryley had grown up supporting the Alliance after he was led to believe that his parents had abandoned him to take up positions within the Empire. Ryley himself was left in the care of Imperial Governor Shran Etison, so that he could remain on Tuttin IV and continue his education. When he learned what the Empire was doing behind its massive propaganda machine, Ryley' hatred for his parents only deepened. His hatred of the Empire hardened when Beamis was killed while being interrogated. However, Ryley was still under the protection of Governor Etison, and thought he was helpless to act. His patience paid off, though, when Etison arranged for Far Cry to act as "bait" in a trap to expose the Alliance cell on Beltrix III. Ryley agreed to continue auditioning for the Holstrum Talent Agency, so that Etison could catch the Alliance spies. Ryley, however, used his bassline coding system to send ahead a warning of Etison's plans. The cell was able to destroy or hide its records, and Etison's agents found nothing but a legitimate talent agency. While on Beltrix III, though, Ryley met with the Alliance agents running the local cell. The agents turned out to be none other than his musical teacher, Tet Tramys, and his own mother. Surprised, relieved, and excited all at once, Ryley maintained a calm demeanor and did nothing to expose his mother's cover. His faith in his parents, however, had been restored.
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