World Brain
this was the immense, ship-sized brain which was brought by the Yuuzhan Vong into the galaxy to take control of the New Republic. The goal of the world-brain was to allow the Yuuzhan Vong to control every resource they controlled from a central location, allowing for complete domination of the galaxy. When the Yuuzhan Vong's homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar was dying, genetic samples of the World Brain were taken aboard a specialized seedship for maintenance and care by a cadre of Master Shapers. For millennia, the genetic material was held in stasis until the galaxy was invaded. After choosing the planet Coruscant as the new version of Yuuzhan'tar, Master Shaper Ch'Gang Hool began developing the genetic materials. He carefully grew the cells into the immature dhuryams, in the hopes of obtaining one strong enough to reshape Coruscant. The immature dhuryams had to compete with each other in order to determine which was the strongest and most able to sustain an entire planet. In a ceremony known as tizo'pil Yun'tchilat, the entire clutch of dhuryams was reduced to a single individual, which would then be installed as the World Brain.