Ugly Truth
this escape craft was maintain in the Coruscant residence of Hasville and Adray Terson, during the early years of the New Republic. It was placed within their dwelling in such a way that it could be easily entered, and an escape chute leading to the planet's surface allowed the craft to leave Coruscant on a moment's notice. Resembling a military landspeeder, the Ugly Truth was designed to sit on its drive section when not it use, pointing upward for swift takeoff. The craft was nearly appropriated by Viqi Shesh, who had obtained access to the Terson residence when Hasray Terson died at the hands of Deuna Ku. Unfortunately, she was unable to use the ship to escape her Yuuzhan Vong captors. Instead, Garik Loran and Bhindi Drayson took the ship for use as an escape craft, when Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker cut off their mission to Coruscant.