Werl, Apelben
this woman, a former naval Admiral, took command of the military on his homeworld of Vannix, shortly after the Battle of Coruscant. After Presider Sakins looted the planetary treasury and fled the planet, Werl struggled with Senator Addath Gadan in an effort to restore stability to the planet. Where the Senator favored appeasing the Yuuzhan Vong, Admiral Werl wanted to bring military force to bear against the alien invaders. Admiral Werl agreed to help Leia Organa Solo by providing submersible vehicles which could be used against the alien invaders, in exchange for Solo's help in winning the election. Both parties feared that Senator Gadan's stance on appeasing the Yuuzhan Vong would simply hand Vannix over to the aliens as a new operational base. With a clever bit of manipulation and the help of Fasald Ghem, Leia managed to doom Senator Gadan's career, clearing the way for Admiral Werl to be elected Presider.