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Low Bounce

developed by the members of Twin Suns Squadron and their leader, Jaina Solo, the Low Bounce maneuver involved the firing of a huge missle at a Yuuzhan Vong capital ship. This missile was formed from a durable metal pipe which filled two-thirds full of large ball bearings. The rear third of the missile was filled with plasma explosives. When the plasma exploded, the ball bearings were superheated and flung out forward of the missile, lodging themselves into the yorik coral of the Yuuzhan Vong ship. These superhot ball bearing were the equivalent in mass and temperature to a proton torpedo, and forced the dovin basals of the warship to continually adjust their defensive screening. This allowed a wave of actual proton torpedoes to follow the ball bearing to their target. It was the actual proton torpedoes that did the most damage, tearing huge chunks of already-struck yorik coral from the capital ship. The resulting organic damage was a mortal wound to the living Yuuzhan Vong ship, which died as it tried to heal itself. More often than not, the Yuuzhan Vong commander ordered the self-destruction of his own ship, rather than have the vessel captured by the New Republic. The Low Bounce operation served to heighten Jaina's appearance as Yun-Harla made incarnate, as its effectiveness forced many Yuuzhan Vong commanders to wonder how the ball bearings got through their defenses.
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