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Form III

known as Soresu, this was a lightsaber dueling technique developed by the Jedi Knights, after blaster weapons became the normal weapon of choice among criminals and underworld beings. Unlike Form II combat, which was developed to work against another lightsaber, Form III was most effective in anticipating and deflecting blaster fire. It stressed quick reflexes and fast positional transition, in order to overcome the rapidity with which a blaster could be fired. It was essentially a defensive technique, emphasizing the non-aggressive Jedi philosophy while reducing the exposed areas of their bodies. Because of these attributes, many Jedi - especially those who practiced Form III - felt that it was the one form that required the deepest connection to the Force. In the wake of the death of Qui-Gon Jinn at the hands of Darth Maul, many Jedi turned away from the Form IV style of open, acrobatic fighting and took up Form III in order to minimize the risk of injury or death at the hands of an opportunistic opponent.
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