this outwardly humanoid race was native to the planet Umbara, and was known to have existed at the formation of the Old Republic. Umbarans were characterized by their pale, bluish skin and white-pigmented eyes. These beings were capable of seeing into the ultraviolet spectra of light, but had little vision in the normal, visible spectrum. In fact, an Umbaran could be momentarily blinded by a bright flash of normal light. It has been said that Umbarans had the ability to subtly influence and control other beings, and it was known that many Umbarans used their strange abilities in identifying hidden Jedi during Emperor Palpatine's Jedi Purge. Because a great many Umbarans used their influence to secure positions of power within the government of Emperor Palpatine, as a people they feared that some form of retaliation might occur when Palpatine was killed at the Battle of Endor. This led the Umbarans to flee deeper into the Ghost Nebula, although they maintained an invisible information network to monitor the activities of th New Republic.