Danva, Joclad
this Jedi Knight was a noted student of the teras kasi and martial artform, and was one of the few Jedi on his time to master the Jar'Kai technique, which he modified for fighting with two lightsabers. Danva was a regular participant in martial arts tournaments, until he was defeated on Bunduki by Phow Ji, just before the onset of the Clone Wars. Shortly afterward, Danva was part of the task force assembled by Mace Windu to travel to Geonosis and confront the Separatists. Danva was one of the handful of survivors of the the initial stages of the battle, and was captured and led into the execution arena just before the Army of the Republic arrived. Joclad Danva was portrated by Kyle Rowling in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.