native to Cholganna, this incredibly dangerous, feline predator was prized by those beings who staged gladiator fights during the last decades of the Old Republic. The head of a nexu was wide and flat, and dominated by its toothy maw. A golden mane surrounded the head, and the paws of the nexu were studded with heavy claws. Most nexu were native to the continent of Indona, with four distinct subspecies existing on Cholganna. Perhaps the most formidable of these subspecies was the four-eyed forest nexu. Two pairs of eyes gave the forest nexu incredible vision, with the primary pair having the ability to see in the visible spectrum while the secondary pair could see in the infrared spectrum. The tail of the forest nexu was partially prehensile, and split into two long "fingers" which were used to stabilize the forest nexu when it hunted in the trees for arboreal octopi. A subspecies of wild nexu evolved on the planet Malastare, after several crimelords had them exported from Cholganna for use as guard beasts. Many of these were too wild to tame, and escaped into the wilderness. It was rumored that the Old Republic Senator from Malastare, Ask Aak, once kept a nexu as an export pet and guard-beast.