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Solar Sailer

this unique starship design was developed by the Geonosian people as a gift to Count Dooku, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It was created from a Punworcca 116-class sloop adapted to deploy an immense solar sail to take advantage of solar winds, as well as the small bits of interstellar energy. The main body of the ship was connected to the sails, which were actually more like scoops which caught the solar winds and dragged the ship behind it. These sails could also collect energy from the vacuum of space, allowing the ship to move about in deeper areas of the galaxy. The addition of the sail system gave the Punworcca 116-class fuselage to 16.76 meters, while the fully-deployed sails brought the overall length of the sailer to 105.16 meters. The interior of the sloop section was appointed to Dooku's refined tastes, and an FA-4 pilot droid was used to steer the ship. With the solar sails fully deployed and the ship at full power, the solar sailer could move across the galaxy with the efficiency of a Class 1.5 hyperdrive. The sails for the ship were acquired by Count Dooku in the Gree Enclave, and were much smaller than those used on other ships which sailed on the solar winds. It was powered by an unusual supralight emission system, although its exact function was never truly understood.
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