this Radnoran female and her brother, Galen, were involved in research to produce a number of weapons of mass-destruction, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Galen was the scientist, while Curio handled the financial aspects of their business. It was Curi who refused to sell their discoveries to Dol Heep and the Avoni, despite an agreement already being in place. This angered Dol Heep and caused a rift between Curi and Galen, especially when Galen began working behind Curi's back to complete the deal. While Galen worked to coordinate the evacuation of Tacto and Aubendo, Curi struggled to find a cure for the plague that struck Aubendo. When the connection between the plague and the Avoni plans to invade Radnor and take control of the planet was made by the Jedi Knights who were on Radnor to assist with the evacuation, Curi confronted her brother and blamed him for the situation. She held him at gunpoint, threatening to kill him, until security forces arrived to take him into custody.