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Czulkang Lah

this ancient Yuuzhan Vong was the father of Warmaster Tsavong Lah. After being succeeded by his son, Czulkang Lah became a well-known teacher of Yuuzhan Vong youths. A harsh and stern master, Czulkang Lah demanded only the best from his students. Many students earned "Czulkang Lah pits," as a result of making mistakes in his classes. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, Tsavong Lah called upon his father's expertise to help him guide the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. The elder warrior had severe arthritis, and could move about only with the help of enhanced vonduun-crab armor. When the Yuuzhan Vong began planning their assault on the galaxy, Czulkang Lah opposed his son's plans for conquest. However, he bore his son no ill will, and agreed to take command of Domain Hul's resources to lead an assault against Borleias, following the Battle of Coruscant. While he was a cunning warrior in his time, Czulkang Lah was unable to anticipate the tactics used by Wedge Antilles at Borleias. The former Warmaster fell completely for the Starlancer Project, and dedicated large amounts of military resource to destroying it. Then, when the New Republic finally abandoned Borleias, Czulkang Lah failed to interpret the destruction being suffered by the Lusankya. His weakness in trying to anticipate the actions of the Republic led him to lose much of his fleet before realizing that the Lusankya was going to ram his worldship. Czulkang Lah ordered the complete evacuation of the ship, but remained aboard as it exploded after being impaled by the Super Star Destroyer.
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