Record Time
this New Republic armed transport ship was originally an independent spacer's craft owned by Captain Birt. Measuring 170 meters in length, the Record Time had two main cargo pods connected by a narrow tube. She had been pressed into troop transport duty when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, and had been "loaned" to General Wedge Antilles during the evacuation of Coruscant. The New Republic troops she carried were later dropped off at Borleias, after the planet was retaken from the Yuuzhan Vong. During the struggle to retake Borleias, the Record Time took moderate damage from plasma weapons, but arrived at Borleias and was repaired to minimal working status. The ship was then used as the insertion mechanism for the strike force - led by Luke Skywalker - that later infiltrated Coruscant. However, the ship was sacrificed as part of the mission, so that the infiltrators could arrive under cover of this ship's destruction.