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Charat Kraal

this Yuuzhan Vong pilot was distinguished by his very human-like appearance. His facial structure was not at all normal for a Yuuzhan Vong, and Kraal spent a great deal of his career overcoming this perceived deficiency. He pulled out all of his hair, and tattooed the skin of his pate with scars and patterns that drew a person's eye up and away from his forehead. He was forced to kill two fellow pilots, when they openly questioned his appearance. However, Kraal was one of the pilots dispatched to protect the Yuuzhan Vong base on Borleias, in the wake of the Battle of Coruscant. He and his partner, Penzak Kraal, met the initial wave of Republic ships, but Penzak was killed when the forces of Wedge Antilles fled Coruscant and took back Borleias as their base of operations. Kraal returned to the fleet, and began causing unrest aomng the pilots of Domain Cha, which took over the fight for Borleias. Charat was eventually brought before Czulkang Lah, who explained himself with no fear of death. He brought news of the Republic's base on Borleias, and earned the favor of Czulkang Lah with his forthrightness. Czulkang Lah promoted Charat Kraal to wing commander, serving the Warmaster's father as a special forces leader. Charat Kraal was assigned to lead the effort to capture Jaina Solo, after it was discovered that she might be the goddess Yun-Harla made incarnate. He nearly succeeded in capturing Jaina, or so he was led to believe. During the New Republic's evacuation of Borleias, Kraal and his wingmates chased Jaina's gravitiv signature into the surrounding asteroids, only to discover that they were chasing the Goddess missile. Charat Kraal perished when the missile struck his coralskipper and exploded.
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