Vosdia Nooma
this was the name of the title character in the Rodian drama The Trickery of Vosdia Nooma, which was written and produced just before the Clone Wars. Nooma was a poor farmer whose daughter was bitten by an insect and suddenly poisoned. As the community rallied around his family, Nooma began spouting political rhetoric that paralleled the pro-military stance of much of the Old Republic of the time. He eventually got himself elected Baron of the town of Yusk, filled his cabinet with his friends and cronies, and exacted hughe taxes from the farmers of Yusk. He refused to fight back when a veteran Soldier returned from battle to incite the people against him, even when a Paladin arrived to offer his services. The bloody conflict that followed was meant to indicate the future of the Old Republic, should the Military Creation Act not be passed by the Galactic Senate.