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Vena Isolationists

this was the name given to the grassroots organization that evolved on the planet Vena, after Baron Kindoro and his wife, Omnino, began entering into trade agreements with other planets. Historically, the Venans had remained a neutral body, avoiding any direct relationship with the Old Republic. Kindoro and Omnino, however, had become used to the lifestyle of an ambassador and his wife, and could not find the luxuries they enjoyed on their homeworld. The Baron and his wife allowed Republic corporations to used Venan resources in exchange for various amenities and luxury items, much to the chagrin of the general population. The Venan Isolations began sabotaging the various business dealings of the royalty, and these actions escalated into outright terrorism after the death of Baron Kindoro. The Baroness Omnino found herself powerless to stop the terrorist attacks, until she purchased mind-control technology in an attempt to quell the population. A radical group of Isolationists tried to assassinate the Baroness, but failed when they were thwarted by the Jedi Knights. However, the Isolationsists eventually achieved their goals when Omnino was killed by Qui-Gon Jinn, after she took Chancellor Finis Valorum hostage.
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