Tarkin, Ranulph
a member of the Tarkin family of Eriadu, Ranulph Tarkin was a Senator who styled himself as a General in the Old Republic armed forces during the years just prior to the Stark Hyperspace War. He was known as the leader of the faction known as the Militarists, and he continually addressed the Senate in an effort to form a strong Army and Navy. When his requests for military backing were denied, General Tarkin formed his own Navy, culling officers and ships from the ranks of the Republic's meager forces which were loyal to him. He offered to take this fleet and smash the negotiations which were being held between the Republic and the Stark Commerical Combine, an offer which Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation could not refuse. Gunray told Tarkin that the negotiations were taking place on Troiken, and Tarkin set out in the flagship Invincible to destroy Iaco Stark. Unfortunately, Stark had anticipated the military action, and placed a navigational computer virus in the memory banks of Tarkin's entire fleet. Many ships were destroyed or lost, but the Invincible arrived at Troiken. Its supporting fleet was decimated, and Stark's forces picking the fleet apart. Tarkin, however, refused to admit defeat. While he ordered his crew to abandon ship, Tarkin fled to his personal shuttle with his aide, Jace Dallin. Tarkin ordered his forces to regroup on Troiken, but they were badly outnumbered again by Stark's mercenaries. Tarkin railed against then-Senator Finis Valorum and the Jedi Knights who came to their aid, and his own troops began to question his leadership. Tarkin tried to trap Stark on his own, but was killed when he accidentally set off the explosives he meant to use against Stark.