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Jannik the White

this light-skinned Rodian was the leader of the Reeven clan, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. In order to defeat his bitter rival, Evo the Blue and the Cairn clan, Jannik hired the services of Nym and his mercenary gang. Despite the fact that Nym destroyed the Cairns, Jannik refused to pay the mercenary his fees. Nym stole the war treasure which had been won by the Reeven clan and fled. This act of treachery was simply an act for the public cameras, as Jannik later joined Nym's gang and took half the profits from the defeat of the Cairns. When Nym agreed to help Ambassador Loreli Ro and the Mere put a stop to the predations of Sol Sixxa, Jannik became a full part of Nym's crew. However, Jannik was badly wounded in hand-to-hand combat with Sol Sixxa, who shoved a long knife into Jannik's chest. Luckily for the Rodian, the blade missed his major organs, and Jannik survived the battle.
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