Tipoca City
this was greatest of the cities based in the wind-swept oceans of the planet Kamino. Like other cities on the planet, Tipoca City was erected on heavy stilts that extended through the water and into the bedrock of the ocean floor, and spread across more than 150 kilometers of ocean surface at Kamino's western equator. These stilts had thin profiles, which allowed the crashing waves to flow around them, rather than break against them. The buildings of Tipoca City were conical in shape, with wide, flared based and tall towers at their center. This configuration allowed the strong winds which swept the planet to move around and over the buildings without much drag, eliminating a large portion of the environmental stresses they had to endure. This shape also allowed the torrential rains to flow off the roof od each building, without causing damage due to heavy, standing water. Many xenoarchaeologists attributed the design of Tipoca City to influences from Kashyyyk and Alderaan, where structures were built to become part of their environment. It was said that Tipoca City's stilt-based substructure was an example of the Alderaanian Oversea form, while the Krorral form of Kashyyyk became the basis for the domes of the city. A collection of lightning rods mounted on top of the city channeled the regular bursts of energy over and away from the building, furthering protecting the structure. Access to Tipoca City was protected by a hermetically-sealed series of airlocks, ensuring a sterile environment in which to live and work. To most beings in the galaxy, the sterile white color of Tipoca City was quite boring. However, the Kaminoans could see into spectra beyond visual light, and could discern swirling patterns in the stark walls. It was within the walls of Tipoca City that the Kaminoans established the huge cloning facility which produced the clone troopers of the Army of the Republic, during the decade leading up to the Battle of Geonosis and the Clone Wars. However, despite the amount of government and industry found within its walls, Tipoca City had but a single residential section, that being set aside for the govnerment leaders and chief scientists. The millions of Kaminoans who worked in the city each day made their homes in outlying cities.