Hoolidan Keggle
this Duros was a noted scholar and educator who lived on the Jyvus city-station during the last decades of the Old Republic. He vehemently denounced Triplanetary Press and the Encyclopedia Galactica, when the editors wrote the entry for Neimoidians to simply read "See: Duros". He opposed the simplification of the genetic relationship of the Duros to the Neimoidians, indicating that there were many genetic, philosophical, and cultural differences between the two races. Later, Keggle was forced to flee Jyvus when it was attacked by the Separatists as part of Operation Durge's Lance. Jyvus held out for a short while, but the advanced tactics of General Grievous eventually broke through Jyvus' defenses. It was Grievous himself who confronted Keggle and forced him to sign a surrender form, officially making Duro a Separatist world.