Kor Chokk Grand Cruiser
this was the name used to describe the "grand cruisers" of the Yuuzhan Vong. These ships, like other Yuuzhan Vong starships, were literally grown from yorik coral, and had a form of sentience which allowed them to survive. Measuring an average of 8,180 meters in length, the Kor Chokk was first formed as a small cruiser, which was then placed into service by the Yuuzhan Vong. As an individual Kor Chokk gained more experience in battle, more and more smaller ships were grafted to it, allowed the Kor Chokk to grow into a huge monstrosity which was more space station that actual cruiser. Each Kor Chokk could transport up to 216 coralskippers, as well as 30 yorik-trema landing craft. Armed with 120 plasma projectors and huge dovin basal, a Kor Chokk cruiser could also generate a huge interdiction field, similar to the Interdictor-class cruisers developed by the Empire. Each of these ships required a crew of 2,140 Yuuzhan Vong warriors, and could transport up to 4,640 passengers and 26,880 metric tons of cargo.