Naberrie, Jobal
a native of Naboo, this woman was Padme' Amidala's mother, having married Ruwee Naberrie. The couple moved from their mountain home to the city of Theed, in an effort to obtain a better education and a richer life. Like most mothers, Jobal was worried about Padme's choice of career, and believed that her daughter spent too little time "just for herself." Jobal's daughters also joked about their mother's cooking: Jobal was a gracious host who served up lavish meals for her family and friends. During the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo, Jobal and her husband, Ruwee, were arrested and sent to jail, primarily because of their relationship to Padme' who was the Queen of Naboo at the time. Jobal Naberrie was played by Trisha Noble in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.