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this Hapan Beta Cruiser was once part of the Consortium Navy. However, in the wake of the Battle of Fondor, the crew of the ship deserted the Navy and joined the Peace Brigade. It was the crew of the Starsprite which managed to capture Tenel Ka, shortly after the Battle fo Coruscant, before the one-armed Jedi Knight could reach Hapes and find refuge with her grandmother, Ta'a Chume. The crew planned to return Tenel Ka to Hapes, in return for information on the whereabouts of Jaina Solo. Tenel Ka refused, and had to fight her way through vibro-blade-wielding pirates to win her freedom. Her attempt was aided when the Jedi aboard the Trickster intercepted the Starsprite and boarded it. The Yuuzhan Vong frigate became organically welded to the Starsprite, forming an unusual amalgam which was flown to Hapes under the escort of Jagged Fel and Shawnkyr Nuruodo.
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