Khalee Lah
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior was the son of Warmaster Tsavong Lah. Taller than the average Yuuzhan Vong, Khalee Lah was distinguished by the various spikes and horns which adorned his scarred body. Prominent among these was a short, thick horn that protruded from his forehead. He accompanied the priest Harrar, leading the effort to capture Jaina and Jacen Solo in order to sacrifice the twin Jedi to the Yuuzhan Vong gods. Harrar admired Khalee Lah's dedication to the Yuuzhan Vong, but questioned the youthful exuberance and blatant egotism in his manners and actions. Khalee Lah was openly disdainful of any possible threat the Chiss could bring to bear against the Yuuzhan Vong, unaware that it was the Chiss who first destroyed a Yuuzhan Vong reconnaissance mission more than fifty years earlier. During the attempt to recover the Trickster at Hapes, Khalee Lah's forces proved to be no match for the Hapan fleet, and many Yuuzhan Vong ships were destroyed. It was believed that Khalee Lah surrendered himself to Harrar, hoping that his death could be attributed to the battle and not his failure. Harrar agreed, providing Khalee Lah with a Republic explosive with which to destroy his own ship as he fled the priest. Khalee Lah's ship later exploded, taking the warrior with it.