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Uliss, Tam

this Corellian man was a noted industrialist and corporate executive who made a fortune on Ansion during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He was also an opportunist, and when he was approached by Shu Mai to help fund the growing movement of certain planets to secede from the Old Republic, Uliss saw an opportunity to create a separate corporate empire of his own. Uliss, like many Ansion businessbeings, was frustrated and upset with the continual revisions which came from Coruscant to the laws and regulations of the Republic. He agreed to help Shu Mai in her efforts to bring about the secession of Ansion from the Republic, hoping that the Malarians and Keitumites would follow shortly afterward, in accordance with the alliances with Ansion, therby causing a chain reaction of secession. However, when Ansion agreed to remain part of the Republic, Uliss grew impatient and edgy. He demanded immediate action from Shu Mai, who saw Ansion's loss as just a bump in the road to full secession. When Uliss pressed harder, Shu Mai decided that his usefulness had come to an end. On a walkway between the Bror Towers on Coruscant, Shu Mai trapped Uliss in a small force field, then destroyed the supports for the walkway. Uliss fell to his death, the victim of an apparent structural failure.
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