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this green-skinned, alien race was native to the planet Castell. Gossams were known for their unusual hair settings, used to accentuate the difference between the sexes. Females often wore their hair in a rising, upswept tailing to indicate their sexuality. The knobby skin of the Gossam people was intricately patterned, and their elongated necks were often supported by metal rings that further stretched the neck. At some point early in the civilization of the Gossam, a planet-wide economic depression struck the Gossam. Individuals killed each other for food, jobs, and passage off-planet. The Commerce Guild was quick to notice that land and facilities on Castell were vastly undervalued, and traveled to Castell to purchase everything that they could. The Gossam people was essentially indentured to the Commerce Guild, in return for economic assistance in the form of purchases and leases. The planet was eventually repurchased by Shu Mai, but she kept the Gossam people in heavy debt to her government and the Commerce Guild she came to control. Note that the novelization of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones indicates that the skin of a Gossam was gray in color. Also note that the webstrip Reversal of Fortune indicates that the Gossam homeworld was Felucia.
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