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this was the name of the most powerful crime family on the planet Frego, during the decades leading up to the Battle of Naboo. The Cobral, as they were known, took control of the planet from a morally corrupt government, and for a short time they lowered taxes and provided higher wages for the native Fregans. The Cobral could do this because much of their income was based on the black market sales of drugs and weapons. The Fregans, long oppressed under the previous government, welcomed the Cobral with open arms. The power of the Cobral was almost absolute on Frego, although few of the family's leaders demanded very much. This started to change for the worst after the death of Zanita Cobral's husband, when her son Solan assumed control of the family. Solan was a bully, and made sure everyone knew it. Solan was believed to have murdered his own brother, Rutin, in order to keep Rutin from exposing the illegal activities of the Cobral. He also kidnapped his mother in order to lure Lena Cobral into a trap, but Lena managed to escape with the help of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. When Lena reached Coruscant and testified against the family, the Galactic Senate had the Cobral family removed from power and arrested for their crimes.
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