Braith, Zayl
born in the Asamin System to parents who were prosperous traders along the Essien Run, this girl fell in with a group of smugglers at a young age. She joined the crew of Captain Thi Sawrtin, and was with him when the smugglers were intercepted by Gresia Vleen and the Tory's Catcher. After Sawrtin was executed, Zayl was thrown into prison on Rol Two. She managed to escape, and went to work for Tiron Til. When the Sullustan decided to start working toward monopolizing the spice trade within the Asamin System, Zayl decided not to work for Zil out of loyalty to her former comrades. She was then contacted by her cousin Callandri, who offered her a position within the Granse Confederacy. Zayl turned from smuggler to bounty hunter, and worked with her cousin to hunt down Alliance personnel.