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Kihotay, Don-Wan

this was the alias adopted by Hess Korrin, after he was taken to Aduba-3 by his Ithorian manager, in an effort to escape the Imperial Security Bureau. They were shot down over Aduba-3, and Korrin survived by adopting the Kihotay alias. After the Imperials left, Kihotay claimed to be a Jedi Master who had returned from hiding to fight for peace and justice in the galaxy. The yellow-bladed lightsaber he wielded had, in fact, been taken from the antiquities museum he worked for on Obroa-skai, just before it was destroyed. Just after the Battle of Yavin, he joined Han Solo and Jaxxon in liberating a village on Aduba-3 from the clutches of Serji-X Arrogantus and his Cloud Riders. During the battle, in which Merri's grandfather summoned the Behemoth to fight the Cloud Riders, Kihotay sacrficed himself to save Amaiza. Somehow, though, he survived the killing blow, and set out to destroy the Behemoth. Soon joined by Han Solo and Hedji, they managed to defeat the creature. However, despite having his armor protect him from most of the Behemoth's blast, Kihotay suffered massive internal injuries. He was transported to the medical facilities on Telos-4, where he eventually died at the hands of Valance the Hunter. However, Valance managed to learn of the existence of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker from Kihotay's ramblings, and set out to destroy them as well. When Valance bombed what remained of Telos-4, Kihotay was consumed in the blast.
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