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this Rodian smuggler, one of the few relatives of Greedo who survived the attacks of Navik the Red, was noted as the being who set off the traps which were located in the catacombs of Shawkan. For many years during the height of the New Order, Chihdo traveled the galaxy with Rik Duel. They joined the Alliance together, and were part of the team which remained behind on Stenos in an effort to locate the lost statue of the god Vol. However, as soon as the statue was found, Rik and his band tried to make off with the statue and sell it to Imperial Governor Matrin. This plan failed miserably, as the Stenaxes learned of the statue's reappearance and set out to recover it. In their anger, the Stenaxes killed the Imperials and threatened to dispose of the smugglers. They managed to escape, however, and remained hidden on Stenos for several more years. Unfortunately for Chihdo, he ran afoul of IG-88 and Bossk, who were trying to avoid being caught by Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian. Chihdo was frozen in a block of carbonite, and used as a decoy to lure them into a trap. After the bounty hunters were defeated, Chihdo was thawed out, and rejoined Rik and Dani on a mission to Iskalon to plunder what salvage they could from the ruins of Pavillion. This plan later fell through when Mone demanded that they leave the planet. In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Rik, Dani, and Chihdo accompanied Luke back to Endor. There, Chihdo stood up for Rik when an Alliance soldier accused him of cheating at cards, and Chihdo was shot in the chest. Only Luke's intervention saved Chihdo.
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