Argo, Yom
this Alliance special agent was rumored to have been partnered with Tay Vanis during the recovery of the plans for the second Death Star from the Bothans. Yom Argo, who used the codename "Dart", was also one of the first Alliance representatives to visit the planet Iskalon. After Vanis was captured by Imperial forces, Yom Argo fled to warn the Alliance about his capture and lead a rescue effort. Unfortunately, Yom Argo was killed when he crashlanded on Lahsbane just after he left the Bothans. His astromech droid managed to survive the crash, and tapes of its data were held by the Lahsbees in honor of the Lahsbee individual who also died in the crash. However, when the Lahsbees discovered that the tapes were part of a high-technology system, they gladly turned them over to Leia Organa and the Alliance.