it was rumored that Han Solo saved the natives of the planet Ventooine from this unusual stone, some time prior to the Battle of Yavin. The natives of the planet built a huge statue of Solo, and built an entire religion around his saving of the planet. The Shadeshine allowed the Satab and his minions to see across great distances and within any obstacle, making the Satab virtually omniscient. It also allowed the Satab to speed up the metabolism of a being, aging it many decades in an instant. However, the use of the Shadeshine gave the user incredibly sensitive senses, and external stimuli eventually destroyed the user. The Shadeshine was given to Han Solo for disposal, after Chrysalla and Han Solo defeated the last of the Satabs in combat. Solo dumped it into the engine compartment of the Millennium Falcon, thereby destroying it and freeing the natives of Ventooine.