Ferret, Orion
this gaunt man was a noted gunrunner who worked from a base aboard the Bazarre space station. Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian caught up with Ferret shortly after the Battle of Hoth, to purchase a flight of stolen TIE Fighters from him. The TIE Fighters were later used to take the Imperial outpost on Spindrift. Ferret was often accompanied by a tiny, octopus-like creature that was his pet. He tried his best to swindle the Alliance out of their credits, and even sent Luke and Lando to Patch-4 without warning them about the Watcher Beasts. Ferret then tried to incapacitate Chewbacca, but the Wookiee managed to break free and catch Ferret before he could escape. Luke and Lando returned to the Bazaare station with the TIE Fighters, much to Ferret's dismay. Ferret was allowed to go free, but the Alliance kept a close eye on his activities.