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Circle of Kavaan

this was one of the most sacred places found on the planet Shalyvane, located near the ruins of Chinshassa. According to the story provided by Shira Brie, the human natives of Shalyvane regularly let a few drops of the blood fall on the stones of the circle, in remembrance of those family members killed in the civil strife which tore the planet apart. In reality, it was the Em'liy who made blood sacrifices within the Circle of Kavaan, offering their blood to the god Kavaan to ensure that the sun always rose and set each day. In the decade before the Galactic Civil War, the human natives of Shalyvane accepted an offer of peace from the Em'liy, the original sentient race which wandered the planet. A celebration was to take place in the Circle of Kavaan, but Imperial forces swept from space and bombarded the Circle of Kavaan during their attack on Chinshassa. The Em'liy nomads had given the Empire information on the humans' support of the Alliance, and the two sides were forever set against each other. Luke Skywalker later learned from G'hinji that most of this was untrue. The only thing which had any basis in reality was the Imperial bombardment of Chinshassa, as part of the cover-up to support Shira's story.
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