Traal, Zeta
this icy woman served the Imperial Diplomatic Corps as a Captain, and was known as an excellent scout. Her report on the planet Velmor, which prescribed the orbital bombardment of the Tol Velmoc Mountains, was intercepted by the natives of the planet and never made it to the Empire. Thus, Velmor was spared destruction, even though it was forced to suffer through Imperial occupation. Traal installed herself as the Imperial attache' who served as Prince Anod's advisor, during his training to become King. She approached Korl Marcus, believing that his lack of identification only lent credence to his bounty hunting skills, to kill Prince Denid and ensure Anod's succession to the throne. She wasn't aware that Marcus was really Luke Skywalker, but she needed to ensure that Anod was named King of Velmor. In the melee that resulted from the botched "assassination," Traal killed Anod. She later was forced to kill Jedidiah, who attacked her while she was hunting for Luke. This gave Luke an opening to knock Traal unconscious. Denid then had her imprisoned for crimes against Velmor.