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Space Beldon

related to the beldon that inhabited the Life Zone of Bespin and many other gas giant planets, the space beldon was adapted to live in the gaseous, interstellar regions defined by nebulae and minor gas clouds. Individual specimens were known to roam a limited region of space, subsisting on the various gases they could scoop into their systems. Over the eons, an individual beldon converted these gases into rethin, which kept the space beldon inflated, and tibanna gas, which it expelled. Space beldons also exuded a mild acid, which allowed them to consume the solid elements found in asteroids. In comparison to their planetary cousins, the space beldon was much faster in its rate of movement, to avoid asteroids and other space-borne debris. Like normal beldons, the space beldon built up an internal charge of ions, which it discharged as a defense mechanism.
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