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the fourth planet in the Pyria System, it was the site of a facility owned by Alderaan Biotics prior to the Galactic Civil War. The site was abandoned after the destruction of Alderaan, and was forgotten. Imperial General Evir Derricote discovered the abandoned base and set up a base of his own there, diverting Imperial supplies to strengthen his position on Borleias. He made almost three million credits creating lost Alderaanian foodstuffs and selling them on the black market. The planet was overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong many years later, shortly before the Second Battle of Coruscant. The alien invaders set up several large dovin basals on the single moon which orbited Borleias, and used them to pull the various planetary defenses to their destruction. Without these defenses, Borleias itself was easy to capture. However, when the neighboring planet of Coruscant fell to the Yuuzhan Vong, Wedge Antilles and a core team of his supporters retreated to Borleias and routed the alien forces there. They had planned to make Borleias a temporary base, and it was eventually abandoned in an effort to throw the Yuuzhan Vong off the trails of several other missions.
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