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Borga Besadii Diori

this Hutt was considered the most powerful of the Hutts, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Borga was ostensibly the leader of the Hutt kajidics, and so it fell to him to try and negotiate a treaty with the Yuuzhan Vong. Borga started making deals with the Yuuzhan Vong commander, Malik Carr, and his intermediary Pedric Cuf. Borga resented the efforts of the Peace Brigade, since they were counteractive to the deals he tried to make. During these negotiations, Borga leaked information to the New Republic that she was trying to play the Yuuzhan Vong on both sides of the table, hoping to gain their confidence while providing the Republic with information on their movements in Hutt Space. Borga pledged to support Malik Carr and the Yuuzhan Vong, allowing them to stage the next phase of the invasion from Hutt Space. In return, Borga was given information on which worlds would be attacked next, allowing her to profit from the attacks. However, Nas Choka recognized Borga's treachery, and decided to end the charade immediately. He quickly subjugated Nal Hutta and began terraforming to to the needs of the Yuuzhan Vong. Borga and many other Hutts were able to escape Nal Hutta, and were forced to live in exile for the duration of the war.
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