Wild Knights
this group of Force-sensitive Barabels remained separated from the Jedi Knights during the early decades of the New Republic. Their isolation was self-imposed, and based on a fear of the xenophobia of Emperor Palaptine. For a short time, they were trained by the Jedi Knight Eelysa, who was on Barab I on an intelligence-gathering mission. However, when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy and threatened all forms of life, the Wild Knights decided that it was time to end their self-imposed exile and help the Jedi. Saba Sebatyne made the first move, sending three students to join Luke Skywalker at Eclipse. They flew a collection of well-maintained but battle-scarred Y-Wings, but were also well-skilled in the control of an X-Wing. In the wake of the Second Battle of Coruscant, the ranks of the Wild Knights were augmented by Danni Quee, whose expertise on the gravitic technology of the Yuuzhan Vong was invaluable in battle.