this creature was a mutant offshoot of the garral. Similar in shape and size only, blackstalkers were completely hairless and covered with an armored hide. This hide was formed from thousands of tiny, black, overlapping scales which were capable of deflecting blaster fire. Additionally, blackstalkers had a rudimentary contact with The Force, although the ability seemed to arise naturally and could not be duplicated by Imperial scientists. Unfortunately for the Imperials, blackstalkers were all but impossible to train, and the entire lot of specially-bred blackstalkers was targeted for elimination. A few individuals managed to escape their confinement, and were unaccounted for. It was believed that they managed to avoid detection and escaped in the holds of starships, and that their escape was aided by an unseen force. There have been rumors of blackstalkers breeding in the wild, and of individuals which bonded with sentients.