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this reptavian scavenger was native to the planet Tatooine. They had unregulated appetites, and often fed on carrion until they became engorged and unable to fly. The females of the species had two wings, located over their four stout legs. The forelegs of the males were actually a second set of wings, useless for flying but designed for use in mating displays. The thick tail of the urusai was used to provide balance during flight, and could also be used as a fifth "leg." A urusai could lift its body up on the tail, using the wide fan at the base of the tail to provide footing while muscles hold up the body. Each wing was studded with claws, which the urusai used to cling to walls and cliffs while climbing to their nests. Their skulls were dominated by red eyes and a snaggletoothed beak, and a fan-shaped comb sprouted behind their heads to help disperse body heat. During the mating period, the average female will lay up to three eggs. The first urusai to hatch would then push the unhatched eggs out of the nest, ensuring its own survival. Adult urusai developed a symbiotic relationship with the Sarlacc which was found in the Pit of Carkoon, cleaning the teeth and tentacles of the Sarlacc in return for the bits of food they obtained in the process.
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